Victoria Boije
Andrea Mortensen
Torstein Lerhol
Heidi Sannes
Jenny Koch
We chose Verified’s e-signing solution based on a number of different criterias, where one was the great potential we see for expanding our collaboration and including more features and services in the future for smoother and more efficient workflows.
Victoria Boije
Strategic Purchaser, Fabege
Some deliver a signing solution, some deliver an AML portal, while at Verified, we got a larger package. So, there we can have a signing solution, customer registration, and money laundering control in the same system.
Andrea Mortensen
CFO, Ræder
It’s very important to us that our customers have a seamless service experience. To make this happen, we need an administration process that is easy to use and almost ‘’idiot-proof’’. Managing HR and personnel administration services through Verified truly makes us efficient.
Torstein Lerhol
Regional Manager, Medvind Assistanse
Verified simplifies our AML processes. Everything becomes more streamlined, and we have all documentation collected in one place. Our ongoing dialogue is close and clear, and their internal setup provides us with solid answers and assistance.
Heidi Sannes
Compliance Manager, Q4 Næringsmegling
Before mass mailing was in place, the work of getting the contracts out was very time-consuming. We are now saving a lot of time by using mass mailing for our contracts and it feels like the process has reduced the risk of manual errors.
Jenny Koch
Group Financial Controller